• 1 Profiling Gene Expression from GEO, TCGA, GTEx
    • 1.1 GEO
      • 1.1.1 Normal vs Tumor
      • 1.1.2 Plotting
      • 1.1.3 Statistical analysis
    • 1.2 Unify GTEx NAT and Tumor TCGA
      • 1.2.1 Plotting
      • 1.2.2 Statistical analysis

1 Profiling Gene Expression from GEO, TCGA, GTEx

Before begin, itโ€™s recommended to read these publications:

We will make similar results like these : Example 1 Example 2

1.1 GEO

1.1.1 Normal vs Tumor

Install and load libraries:

Sys.setenv(LANG='en') #change warning to English 
Sys.setenv("VROOM_CONNECTION_SIZE" = 131072 * 10) #prevent connection lost when roaming big chunk

                extensions = 'Buttons',
                options = list(dom='Blfrtip',
                               buttons=c('copy', 'csv', 'excel','pdf', 'print'),

To make graph look nice and consistents, I make my own function : * Make color palette for your graph


####Aziz' function's theme and color palettes

scale_fill_aziz <- function(...){
  discrete_scale("fill","aziz",manual_pal(values = c("#386cb0","#fdb462","#7fc97f","#a6cee3","#fb9a99","#984ea3","#ffff33")), ...)
scale_colour_aziz <- function(...){
  discrete_scale("colour","aziz",manual_pal(values = c("#386cb0","#fdb462","#7fc97f","#ef3b2c","#662506","#a6cee3","#fb9a99","#984ea3","#ffff33")), ...)
theme_Publication <- function(base_size=14, base_family="helvetica") {
  (theme_foundation(base_size=base_size, base_family=base_family)
    + theme(plot.title = element_text(face = "bold",
                                      size = rel(1.2), hjust = 0.5),
            text = element_text(),
            panel.background = element_rect(colour = NA),
            plot.background = element_rect(colour = NA),
            panel.border = element_rect(colour = NA),
            axis.title = element_text(face = "bold",size = rel(1)),
            axis.title.y = element_text(angle=90,vjust =2),
            axis.title.x = element_text(vjust = -0.2),
            axis.text = element_text(), 
            axis.line = element_line(colour="black"),
            axis.ticks = element_line(),
            panel.grid.major = element_line(colour="#f0f0f0"),
            panel.grid.minor = element_blank(),
            legend.key = element_rect(colour = NA),
            legend.position = "bottom",
            legend.direction = "horizontal",
            legend.key.size= unit(0.2, "cm"),
            legend.margin = unit(0, "cm"),
            legend.title = element_text(face="italic"),
            strip.text = element_text(face="bold")

For example using ACRG dataset

#### GSE62254 (ACRG)
gset <- getGEO("GSE66229", GSEMatrix =TRUE, AnnotGPL=TRUE)
if (length(gset) > 1) idx <- grep("GPL570", attr(gset, "names")) else idx <- 1
gset <- gset[[idx]]

# make proper column names to match toptable 
fvarLabels(gset) <- make.names(fvarLabels(gset))

# group membership for all samples
gsms <- paste0("11100000000000000111110000000000000000100111111111",
sml <- strsplit(gsms, split="")[[1]]

# log2 transformation
ex <- exprs(gset)
qx <- as.numeric(quantile(ex, c(0., 0.25, 0.5, 0.75, 0.99, 1.0), na.rm=T))
LogC <- (qx[5] > 100) ||
  (qx[6]-qx[1] > 50 && qx[2] > 0)
if (LogC) { ex[which(ex <= 0)] <- NaN
exprs(gset) <- log2(ex) }

# assign samples to groups and set up design matrix
gs <- factor(sml)
groups <- make.names(c("N","T"))
levels(gs) <- groups
gset$group <- gs
design <- model.matrix(~group + 0, gset)
colnames(design) <- levels(gs)

fit <- lmFit(gset, design)  # fit linear model

# set up contrasts of interest and recalculate model coefficients
cts <- paste(groups[1], groups[2], sep="-")
cont.matrix <- makeContrasts(contrasts=cts, levels=design)
fit2 <- contrasts.fit(fit, cont.matrix)

# compute statistics and table of top significant genes
fit2 <- eBayes(fit2, 0.01)
tT <- topTable(fit2, adjust="fdr", sort.by="B", number=250)

tT <- subset(tT, select=c("ID","adj.P.Val","P.Value","t","B","logFC","Gene.symbol","Gene.title"))

# Visualize and quality control test results.
# Build histogram of P-values for all genes. Normal test
# assumption is that most genes are not differentially expressed.
tT2 <- topTable(fit2, adjust="fdr", sort.by="B", number=Inf)
hist(tT2$adj.P.Val, col = "grey", border = "white", xlab = "P-adj",
     ylab = "Number of genes", main = "P-adj value distribution")

#prepare for only genes passing the threshold
newtT2<-tT2 %>% 

newtT3 <- subset(newtT2,select=c("ID","adj.P.Val","t","B","logFC","Gene.symbol","Gene.title")) #useful for DEGs analysis, but we don't need right now #skip this

#retrieve the expression of your gene in all patient
threegenes<-ex[row.names(ex) %in% c("219617_at", #camkmt
                                    "222013_x_at", #FAM86A
                                    "206445_s_at"),] #PRMT1
##             GSM1523727 GSM1523728 GSM1523729 GSM1523730 GSM1523731
## 206445_s_at   2.957375   3.128566   3.052887   2.916911   2.789613
## 219617_at     1.999631   1.689934   1.806846   1.659223   1.710085
## 222013_x_at   1.758549   1.830104   1.791574   1.750806   1.744396
head(t(threegenes)) #transpose the table
##            206445_s_at 219617_at 222013_x_at
## GSM1523727    2.957375  1.999631    1.758549
## GSM1523728    3.128566  1.689934    1.830104
## GSM1523729    3.052887  1.806846    1.791574
## GSM1523730    2.916911  1.659223    1.750806
## GSM1523731    2.789613  1.710085    1.744396
## GSM1523732    3.088736  1.715045    1.766945
GOI<-as.data.frame(threegenes) #GOI = gene of interest
GOI<-GOI %>% 
GOI<-GOI %>% 
##   Patient.ID 206445_s_at 219617_at 222013_x_at
## 1 GSM1523727    2.957375  1.999631    1.758549
## 2 GSM1523728    3.128566  1.689934    1.830104
## 3 GSM1523729    3.052887  1.806846    1.791574
## 4 GSM1523730    2.916911  1.659223    1.750806
## 5 GSM1523731    2.789613  1.710085    1.744396
## 6 GSM1523732    3.088736  1.715045    1.766945

# download phenotypes
my.gse <- "GSE66229"

if(!file.exists("geo_downloads")) dir.create("geo_downloads")
if(!file.exists("results"))  dir.create("results", recursive=TRUE)
my.geo.gse <- getGEO(GEO=my.gse, filename=NULL, destdir="./geo_downloads", GSElimits=NULL, GSEMatrix=TRUE, AnnotGPL=FALSE, getGPL=FALSE)
my.geo.gse <- my.geo.gse[[1]]
my.pdata <- as.data.frame(pData(my.geo.gse), stringsAsFactors=F)
##            title geo_accession                status submission_date
## GSM1523727  T107    GSM1523727 Public on Apr 17 2015     Oct 10 2014
## GSM1523728  T108    GSM1523728 Public on Apr 17 2015     Oct 10 2014
## GSM1523729  T109    GSM1523729 Public on Apr 17 2015     Oct 10 2014
## GSM1523730  N132    GSM1523730 Public on Feb 15 2019     Oct 10 2014
## GSM1523731  N133    GSM1523731 Public on Feb 15 2019     Oct 10 2014
## GSM1523732  N134    GSM1523732 Public on Feb 15 2019     Oct 10 2014
##            last_update_date type channel_count         source_name_ch1
## GSM1523727      Apr 17 2015  RNA             1  Tumor from patient 107
## GSM1523728      Apr 17 2015  RNA             1  Tumor from patient 108
## GSM1523729      Apr 17 2015  RNA             1  Tumor from patient 109
## GSM1523730      Feb 15 2019  RNA             1 Normal from patient 132
## GSM1523731      Feb 15 2019  RNA             1 Normal from patient 133
## GSM1523732      Feb 15 2019  RNA             1 Normal from patient 134
##            organism_ch1           characteristics_ch1 characteristics_ch1.1
## GSM1523727 Homo sapiens         tissue: Gastric tumor          patient: 107
## GSM1523728 Homo sapiens         tissue: Gastric tumor          patient: 108
## GSM1523729 Homo sapiens         tissue: Gastric tumor          patient: 109
## GSM1523730 Homo sapiens tissue: normal gastric tissue          patient: 132
## GSM1523731 Homo sapiens tissue: normal gastric tissue          patient: 133
## GSM1523732 Homo sapiens tissue: normal gastric tissue          patient: 134
##            molecule_ch1
## GSM1523727    total RNA
## GSM1523728    total RNA
## GSM1523729    total RNA
## GSM1523730    total RNA
## GSM1523731    total RNA
## GSM1523732    total RNA
##                                                                                                                                                                                                  extract_protocol_ch1
## GSM1523727 Samples are processed in parallel in 96-well plates to minimize potential variation. Reaction purification is achieved using magnetic binding beads for cDNA and Qiagen RNeasy kits for cRNA purification.
## GSM1523728 Samples are processed in parallel in 96-well plates to minimize potential variation. Reaction purification is achieved using magnetic binding beads for cDNA and Qiagen RNeasy kits for cRNA purification.
## GSM1523729 Samples are processed in parallel in 96-well plates to minimize potential variation. Reaction purification is achieved using magnetic binding beads for cDNA and Qiagen RNeasy kits for cRNA purification.
## GSM1523730 Samples are processed in parallel in 96-well plates to minimize potential variation. Reaction purification is achieved using magnetic binding beads for cDNA and Qiagen RNeasy kits for cRNA purification.
## GSM1523731 Samples are processed in parallel in 96-well plates to minimize potential variation. Reaction purification is achieved using magnetic binding beads for cDNA and Qiagen RNeasy kits for cRNA purification.
## GSM1523732 Samples are processed in parallel in 96-well plates to minimize potential variation. Reaction purification is achieved using magnetic binding beads for cDNA and Qiagen RNeasy kits for cRNA purification.
##            label_ch1           label_protocol_ch1 taxid_ch1
## GSM1523727    biotin standard Affymetrix protocol      9606
## GSM1523728    biotin standard Affymetrix protocol      9606
## GSM1523729    biotin standard Affymetrix protocol      9606
## GSM1523730    biotin standard Affymetrix protocol      9606
## GSM1523731    biotin standard Affymetrix protocol      9606
## GSM1523732    biotin standard Affymetrix protocol      9606
##                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                hyb_protocol
## GSM1523727 GeneChip microarrays are loaded with the fragmented target sample/hybridization buffer mix using standard manual techniques. Arrays are hybridized for 18 hours at 45oC with vigorous mixing. Unbound sample is removed and staining is accomplished through the binding of streptavidin conjugated phycoerythrin to the hybridized target. Excess label is removed. Washing and staining steps are performed by the Affymetrix FS450 fluidics station using standard protocols.
## GSM1523728 GeneChip microarrays are loaded with the fragmented target sample/hybridization buffer mix using standard manual techniques. Arrays are hybridized for 18 hours at 45oC with vigorous mixing. Unbound sample is removed and staining is accomplished through the binding of streptavidin conjugated phycoerythrin to the hybridized target. Excess label is removed. Washing and staining steps are performed by the Affymetrix FS450 fluidics station using standard protocols.
## GSM1523729 GeneChip microarrays are loaded with the fragmented target sample/hybridization buffer mix using standard manual techniques. Arrays are hybridized for 18 hours at 45oC with vigorous mixing. Unbound sample is removed and staining is accomplished through the binding of streptavidin conjugated phycoerythrin to the hybridized target. Excess label is removed. Washing and staining steps are performed by the Affymetrix FS450 fluidics station using standard protocols.
## GSM1523730 GeneChip microarrays are loaded with the fragmented target sample/hybridization buffer mix using standard manual techniques. Arrays are hybridized for 18 hours at 45oC with vigorous mixing. Unbound sample is removed and staining is accomplished through the binding of streptavidin conjugated phycoerythrin to the hybridized target. Excess label is removed. Washing and staining steps are performed by the Affymetrix FS450 fluidics station using standard protocols.
## GSM1523731 GeneChip microarrays are loaded with the fragmented target sample/hybridization buffer mix using standard manual techniques. Arrays are hybridized for 18 hours at 45oC with vigorous mixing. Unbound sample is removed and staining is accomplished through the binding of streptavidin conjugated phycoerythrin to the hybridized target. Excess label is removed. Washing and staining steps are performed by the Affymetrix FS450 fluidics station using standard protocols.
## GSM1523732 GeneChip microarrays are loaded with the fragmented target sample/hybridization buffer mix using standard manual techniques. Arrays are hybridized for 18 hours at 45oC with vigorous mixing. Unbound sample is removed and staining is accomplished through the binding of streptavidin conjugated phycoerythrin to the hybridized target. Excess label is removed. Washing and staining steps are performed by the Affymetrix FS450 fluidics station using standard protocols.
##                                                                                                                                                                         scan_protocol
## GSM1523727 Arrays are scanned using a GeneChip Scanner 3000 7G with a 48 array autoloader. The scanner maintains the optimal temperature for the arrays prior to and during scanning.
## GSM1523728 Arrays are scanned using a GeneChip Scanner 3000 7G with a 48 array autoloader. The scanner maintains the optimal temperature for the arrays prior to and during scanning.
## GSM1523729 Arrays are scanned using a GeneChip Scanner 3000 7G with a 48 array autoloader. The scanner maintains the optimal temperature for the arrays prior to and during scanning.
## GSM1523730 Arrays are scanned using a GeneChip Scanner 3000 7G with a 48 array autoloader. The scanner maintains the optimal temperature for the arrays prior to and during scanning.
## GSM1523731 Arrays are scanned using a GeneChip Scanner 3000 7G with a 48 array autoloader. The scanner maintains the optimal temperature for the arrays prior to and during scanning.
## GSM1523732 Arrays are scanned using a GeneChip Scanner 3000 7G with a 48 array autoloader. The scanner maintains the optimal temperature for the arrays prior to and during scanning.
##                                                                                                                                    description
## GSM1523727 ACRG Gastric cohort: microarray profiles from 300 gastric tumors and 100 patient matched normal tissue from gastric cancer patients
## GSM1523728 ACRG Gastric cohort: microarray profiles from 300 gastric tumors and 100 patient matched normal tissue from gastric cancer patients
## GSM1523729 ACRG Gastric cohort: microarray profiles from 300 gastric tumors and 100 patient matched normal tissue from gastric cancer patients
## GSM1523730 ACRG Gastric cohort: microarray profiles from 300 gastric tumors and 100 patient matched normal tissue from gastric cancer patients
## GSM1523731 ACRG Gastric cohort: microarray profiles from 300 gastric tumors and 100 patient matched normal tissue from gastric cancer patients
## GSM1523732 ACRG Gastric cohort: microarray profiles from 300 gastric tumors and 100 patient matched normal tissue from gastric cancer patients
##                           description.1
## GSM1523727 Nugen amplification protocol
## GSM1523728 Nugen amplification protocol
## GSM1523729 Nugen amplification protocol
## GSM1523730 Nugen amplification protocol
## GSM1523731 Nugen amplification protocol
## GSM1523732 Nugen amplification protocol
##                                                                                                          data_processing
## GSM1523727 The data were analyzed by RMA with Affymetrix Power Tools package using Affymetrix default analysis settings.
## GSM1523728 The data were analyzed by RMA with Affymetrix Power Tools package using Affymetrix default analysis settings.
## GSM1523729 The data were analyzed by RMA with Affymetrix Power Tools package using Affymetrix default analysis settings.
## GSM1523730 The data were analyzed by RMA with Affymetrix Power Tools package using Affymetrix default analysis settings.
## GSM1523731 The data were analyzed by RMA with Affymetrix Power Tools package using Affymetrix default analysis settings.
## GSM1523732 The data were analyzed by RMA with Affymetrix Power Tools package using Affymetrix default analysis settings.
##            platform_id      contact_name                contact_department
## GSM1523727      GPL570 Michael,,Nebozhyn GpGx/Computational System biology
## GSM1523728      GPL570 Michael,,Nebozhyn GpGx/Computational System biology
## GSM1523729      GPL570 Michael,,Nebozhyn GpGx/Computational System biology
## GSM1523730      GPL570 Michael,,Nebozhyn GpGx/Computational System biology
## GSM1523731      GPL570 Michael,,Nebozhyn GpGx/Computational System biology
## GSM1523732      GPL570 Michael,,Nebozhyn GpGx/Computational System biology
##            contact_institute
## GSM1523727        Merck, Inc
## GSM1523728        Merck, Inc
## GSM1523729        Merck, Inc
## GSM1523730        Merck, Inc
## GSM1523731        Merck, Inc
## GSM1523732        Merck, Inc
##                                                              contact_address
## GSM1523727 Mail Stop WP53B-120, 770 Sumneytown Pike, Building 53, P.O. Box 4
## GSM1523728 Mail Stop WP53B-120, 770 Sumneytown Pike, Building 53, P.O. Box 4
## GSM1523729 Mail Stop WP53B-120, 770 Sumneytown Pike, Building 53, P.O. Box 4
## GSM1523730 Mail Stop WP53B-120, 770 Sumneytown Pike, Building 53, P.O. Box 4
## GSM1523731 Mail Stop WP53B-120, 770 Sumneytown Pike, Building 53, P.O. Box 4
## GSM1523732 Mail Stop WP53B-120, 770 Sumneytown Pike, Building 53, P.O. Box 4
##            contact_city contact_state contact_zip/postal_code contact_country
## GSM1523727   West Point            PA                   19486             USA
## GSM1523728   West Point            PA                   19486             USA
## GSM1523729   West Point            PA                   19486             USA
## GSM1523730   West Point            PA                   19486             USA
## GSM1523731   West Point            PA                   19486             USA
## GSM1523732   West Point            PA                   19486             USA
##                                                                                                                  supplementary_file
## GSM1523727 ftp://ftp.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/geo/samples/GSM1523nnn/GSM1523727/suppl/GSM1523727_INT201201-10-1_107T_HG-U133_Plus_2_.CEL.gz
## GSM1523728 ftp://ftp.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/geo/samples/GSM1523nnn/GSM1523728/suppl/GSM1523728_INT201201-10-1_108T_HG-U133_Plus_2_.CEL.gz
## GSM1523729 ftp://ftp.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/geo/samples/GSM1523nnn/GSM1523729/suppl/GSM1523729_INT201201-10-1_109T_HG-U133_Plus_2_.CEL.gz
## GSM1523730 ftp://ftp.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/geo/samples/GSM1523nnn/GSM1523730/suppl/GSM1523730_INT201201-10-1_132N_HG-U133_Plus_2_.CEL.gz
## GSM1523731 ftp://ftp.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/geo/samples/GSM1523nnn/GSM1523731/suppl/GSM1523731_INT201201-10-1_133N_HG-U133_Plus_2_.CEL.gz
## GSM1523732 ftp://ftp.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/geo/samples/GSM1523nnn/GSM1523732/suppl/GSM1523732_INT201201-10-1_134N_HG-U133_Plus_2_.CEL.gz
##            data_row_count patient:ch1            tissue:ch1
## GSM1523727          54675         107         Gastric tumor
## GSM1523728          54675         108         Gastric tumor
## GSM1523729          54675         109         Gastric tumor
## GSM1523730          54675         132 normal gastric tissue
## GSM1523731          54675         133 normal gastric tissue
## GSM1523732          54675         134 normal gastric tissue
phenotype<-my.pdata %>% 

#extract Normal or Tumor tissues
phenotype<-phenotype %>% 
  mutate(Tissue.type=substr(title,1,1)) %>% 

# merge expression and phenotype dataframe
acrg.merged<-phenotype %>% 

1.1.2 Plotting

acrg<-acrg.merged %>% 
  mutate(Tissue2 = case_when(Tissue.type == 'N' ~ 'Normal',
                             Tissue.type == 'T' ~ 'Tumor'))
acrg$Tissue2 <- factor(acrg$Tissue2, levels = c("Normal", "Tumor"))

  labs(y=expression('FAM86A expression (log'[10]*")"),x=NULL)+
  stat_boxplot(geom ='errorbar',width=.2) +
  geom_jitter(colour='gray90',alpha=.8,width = .2)+
  scale_y_continuous(expand=expand_scale(mult = c(0.1,0.2)))+
  theme(axis.text.x = element_text(),
        legend.position = 'none',
        axis.title.x = element_blank(),
        panel.grid.major.x = element_blank(),
        aspect.ratio = 1.85)
  labs(y=expression('CAMKMT expression (log'[10]*")"),x=NULL)+
  stat_boxplot(geom ='errorbar',width=.2) +
  geom_jitter(colour='gray90',alpha=.8,width = .2)+
  scale_y_continuous(expand=expand_scale(mult = c(0.1,0.2)))+
  theme(axis.text.x = element_text(),
        legend.position = 'none',
        axis.title.x = element_blank(),
        panel.grid.major.x = element_blank(),
        aspect.ratio = 1.85)
  labs(y=expression('PRMT1 expression (log'[10]*")"),x=NULL)+
  stat_boxplot(geom ='errorbar',width=.2) +
  geom_jitter(colour='gray90',alpha=.8,width = .2)+
  scale_y_continuous(expand=expand_scale(mult = c(0.1,0.2)))+
  theme(axis.text.x = element_text(),
        legend.position = 'none',
        axis.title.x = element_blank(),
        panel.grid.major.x = element_blank(),
        aspect.ratio = 1.85)

1.1.3 Statistical analysis

wilcox.test(FAM86A ~ Tissue2, data = acrg,
            exact = FALSE)
##  Wilcoxon rank sum test with continuity correction
## data:  FAM86A by Tissue2
## W = 11848, p-value = 0.001646
## alternative hypothesis: true location shift is not equal to 0

1.2 Unify GTEx NAT and Tumor TCGA

  • datasets retrieve from [Nature scientific data] (https://doi.org/10.1038/sdata.2018.61)
  • first load the all 3 datasets (tcga normal, tcga tumor, and gtex -> FPKM normalized Combat batch correction)
stomach.rsem.fpkm.gtex <- read.delim("docs/Gene_Exp_1/stomach-rsem-fpkm-gtex.txt")
stad.rsem.fpkm.tcga.t <- read.delim("docs/Gene_Exp_1/stad-rsem-fpkm-tcga-t.txt")
stad.rsem.fpkm.tcga <- read.delim("docs/Gene_Exp_1/stad-rsem-fpkm-tcga.txt")



## [1] "Hugo_Symbol"              "Entrez_Gene_Id"          
## [3] "GTEX.QCQG.0526.SM.48U2A"  "GTEX.QDVJ.1426.SM.48U1Y" 
## [5] "GTEX.13111.1226.SM.5GCNC"
df.gtex.FAM86A<-df.gtex %>% 
  filter(Hugo_Symbol == 'FAM86A')

##   Entrez_Gene_Id
## 1         196483
## [1]   1 194
df.gtex.FAM86A<-df.gtex.FAM86A %>% 

## [1] 192   4
##   Hugo_Symbol Entrez_Gene_Id                 Patients   FPKM
## 1      FAM86A         196483  GTEX.QCQG.0526.SM.48U2A 224.97
## 2      FAM86A         196483  GTEX.QDVJ.1426.SM.48U1Y 220.32
## 3      FAM86A         196483 GTEX.13111.1226.SM.5GCNC 121.79
## 4      FAM86A         196483  GTEX.S4Z8.1226.SM.4AD6W 185.11
## 5      FAM86A         196483  GTEX.ZDYS.1926.SM.5HL59 171.45
## 6      FAM86A         196483 GTEX.144GM.1726.SM.5O9AS 185.11
df.gtex.FAM86A.log2<-df.gtex.FAM86A %>% 
  mutate(log2FPKM=log(FPKM,base = 2))
##   Hugo_Symbol Entrez_Gene_Id                 Patients   FPKM log2FPKM
## 1      FAM86A         196483  GTEX.QCQG.0526.SM.48U2A 224.97 7.813589
## 2      FAM86A         196483  GTEX.QDVJ.1426.SM.48U1Y 220.32 7.783457
## 3      FAM86A         196483 GTEX.13111.1226.SM.5GCNC 121.79 6.928252
## 4      FAM86A         196483  GTEX.S4Z8.1226.SM.4AD6W 185.11 7.532239
## 5      FAM86A         196483  GTEX.ZDYS.1926.SM.5HL59 171.45 7.421644
## 6      FAM86A         196483 GTEX.144GM.1726.SM.5O9AS 185.11 7.532239
## [1] "Hugo_Symbol"                  "Entrez_Gene_Id"              
## [3] "TCGA.BR.6564.11A.01R.1884.13" "TCGA.HU.A4GH.11A.11R.A36D.31"
## [5] "TCGA.IN.8663.11A.01R.2402.13"
df.n.tcga.FAM86A<-df.n.tcga %>% 
  filter(Hugo_Symbol == 'FAM86A')

##   Entrez_Gene_Id
## 1         196483
## [1]  1 35
df.n.tcga.FAM86A<-df.n.tcga.FAM86A %>% 

## [1] 33  4
##   Hugo_Symbol Entrez_Gene_Id                     Patients   FPKM
## 1      FAM86A         196483 TCGA.BR.6564.11A.01R.1884.13 220.32
## 2      FAM86A         196483 TCGA.HU.A4GH.11A.11R.A36D.31 202.66
## 3      FAM86A         196483 TCGA.IN.8663.11A.01R.2402.13 166.73
## 4      FAM86A         196483 TCGA.HU.8238.11A.01R.2343.13 163.28
## 5      FAM86A         196483 TCGA.BR.7716.11A.01R.2055.13 249.73
## 6      FAM86A         196483 TCGA.FP.7735.11A.01R.2055.13 256.78
df.n.tcga.FAM86A.log2<-df.n.tcga.FAM86A %>% 
  mutate(log2FPKM=log(FPKM,base = 2))
##   Hugo_Symbol Entrez_Gene_Id                     Patients   FPKM log2FPKM
## 1      FAM86A         196483 TCGA.BR.6564.11A.01R.1884.13 220.32 7.783457
## 2      FAM86A         196483 TCGA.HU.A4GH.11A.11R.A36D.31 202.66 7.662918
## 3      FAM86A         196483 TCGA.IN.8663.11A.01R.2402.13 166.73 7.381370
## 4      FAM86A         196483 TCGA.HU.8238.11A.01R.2343.13 163.28 7.351204
## 5      FAM86A         196483 TCGA.BR.7716.11A.01R.2055.13 249.73 7.964225
## 6      FAM86A         196483 TCGA.FP.7735.11A.01R.2055.13 256.78 8.004389
## [1] "Hugo_Symbol"                  "Entrez_Gene_Id"              
## [3] "TCGA.BR.6457.01A.21R.1802.13" "TCGA.VQ.A8PD.01A.11R.A414.31"
## [5] "TCGA.BR.6803.01A.11R.1884.13"
df.t.tcga.FAM86A<-df.t.tcga %>% 
  filter(Hugo_Symbol == 'FAM86A')

##   Entrez_Gene_Id
## 1         196483
## [1]   1 382
df.t.tcga.FAM86A<-df.t.tcga.FAM86A %>% 

## [1] 380   4
##   Hugo_Symbol Entrez_Gene_Id                     Patients   FPKM
## 1      FAM86A         196483 TCGA.BR.6457.01A.21R.1802.13 325.29
## 2      FAM86A         196483 TCGA.VQ.A8PD.01A.11R.A414.31 215.77
## 3      FAM86A         196483 TCGA.BR.6803.01A.11R.1884.13 346.29
## 4      FAM86A         196483 TCGA.VQ.A8E3.01A.11R.A39E.31 277.20
## 5      FAM86A         196483 TCGA.CG.5718.01A.11R.1602.13 351.14
## 6      FAM86A         196483 TCGA.VQ.A8E2.01A.11R.A36D.31 356.05
df.t.tcga.FAM86A.log2<-df.t.tcga.FAM86A %>% 
  mutate(log2FPKM=log(FPKM,base = 2))
##   Hugo_Symbol Entrez_Gene_Id                     Patients   FPKM log2FPKM
## 1      FAM86A         196483 TCGA.BR.6457.01A.21R.1802.13 325.29 8.345583
## 2      FAM86A         196483 TCGA.VQ.A8PD.01A.11R.A414.31 215.77 7.753350
## 3      FAM86A         196483 TCGA.BR.6803.01A.11R.1884.13 346.29 8.435837
## 4      FAM86A         196483 TCGA.VQ.A8E3.01A.11R.A39E.31 277.20 8.114783
## 5      FAM86A         196483 TCGA.CG.5718.01A.11R.1602.13 351.14 8.455903
## 6      FAM86A         196483 TCGA.VQ.A8E2.01A.11R.A36D.31 356.05 8.475936
###############combine the 3 data to 1###########
s.gtex<-df.gtex.FAM86A.log2 %>% 
  mutate(data='GTEx') %>% 
##   data log2FPKM
## 1 GTEx 7.813589
## 2 GTEx 7.783457
## 3 GTEx 6.928252
## 4 GTEx 7.532239
## 5 GTEx 7.421644
## 6 GTEx 7.532239
## [1] 192   2
s.nor<-df.n.tcga.FAM86A.log2 %>% 
  mutate(data='NAT') %>% 

s.tumor<-df.t.tcga.FAM86A.log2 %>% 
  mutate(data='Tumor') %>% 

#binding rows

##   data log2FPKM
## 1 GTEx 7.813589
## 2 GTEx 7.783457
## 3 GTEx 6.928252
## 4 GTEx 7.532239
## 5 GTEx 7.421644
## 6 GTEx 7.532239
## [1] 605   2
##    data   n
## 1  GTEx 192
## 2   NAT  33
## 3 Tumor 380

1.2.1 Plotting

a<-unify.FAM86A %>%
  mutate('source'= case_when(data == 'GTEx' ~ 'GTEx',
                             data == 'NAT' ~ 'Normal TCGA',
                             data == 'Tumor' ~ 'Tumor TCGA'))

a %>% 
  stat_boxplot(geom ='errorbar',width=.2) +
  geom_jitter(colour='gray90',alpha=.8,width = .2)+
  scale_y_continuous(expand=expand_scale(mult = c(0.1,0.2)))+
  theme(axis.text.x = element_text(angle=45,hjust=1,vjust=1),
        legend.position = 'none',
        axis.title.x = element_blank(),
        panel.grid.major.x = element_blank(),
        aspect.ratio = 1.85)

1.2.2 Statistical analysis

kruskal.test(log2FPKM ~ source, data = a)
##  Kruskal-Wallis rank sum test
## data:  log2FPKM by source
## Kruskal-Wallis chi-squared = 55.539, df = 2, p-value = 8.706e-13
pairwise.wilcox.test(a$log2FPKM, a$source,paired=FALSE,
                     p.adjust.method = "BH")
##  Pairwise comparisons using Wilcoxon rank sum test with continuity correction 
## data:  a$log2FPKM and a$source 
##             GTEx    Normal TCGA
## Normal TCGA 0.63    -          
## Tumor TCGA  2.1e-11 8.9e-05    
## P value adjustment method: BH